Grindin' Thesis Journal - Midterm Report and Research Stage 1

It’s a wonderful ride if you ask me. It was really exhausting, overwhelming and exciting.

Midterm Report

We should report it earlier but then my instructor re-scheduled the date. But I wasn’t really focus on doing it until the very deadline.

One of my instructors helped us to fix the outline, but we asked him to give advice at the very last minute, leading to a very chaotic and panik feeling.

I did the Literature Review part and I did a horrible job - I think so.

Research Proposal

We also applied for Research at University. The progress of doing it made me realize that I am a really horrible person at communication and teamwork. I am also a bad person. I am arrogance, I am lazy, I am stupid.

I don’t know if our proposal will be accepted or not, but we will still do it (cause it’s also our thesis).

I will try to have better communication with everyone else. Not all chat need to be effective and have its own purpose.

Zotero is a great app, use it my dear!

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