March 24 Reading Log

Not meet my KPI.

8. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

For the entire lifetime, I can’t imagine someday I will spend a lot of money for a romance work. Even though I can buy the Collins Classics version, which is far cheaper but I still grab a Macmillan one :laughing:. After finishing it, I think it worth my penny.

The religion has a great impact through the story, but I am not so familiar with religions. There are some archaic English, even some French and Latin to confuse me. But the beauty isn’t limited by languages, history background or religions :wink:.

I believe that Jane Eyre is the true model of independent woman, has her own personality in its truest meaning. Charlotte Bronte wrote a deep character like her 150 years ago. And in the present, we are stuck in shallow, stupid, shitty “feminism”.

Rate: :star::star::star::star: (Just cause Romance isn’t my cup of tea)

9. Truyen ngan Nguyen Tuan - Nguyen Tuan

It’s Nguyen Tuan. It’s over perfect. It’s shiny 5 :star:.

Đánh giá: :star::star::star::star::star:

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